Brand ID Proposal : Phase 2


White Paper #3



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Personal Brand Identity Package


Embossing Process

photo 5

White Paper #2


Completed Brand Identity Proposal


Gantt Chart Revised


Brand Identity Gantt Chart


Brand Identity Estimate



Creating this brand estimate and pre-proposal was a huge learning experience. Aside from re-formatting the entire proposal, I made some pretty basic changes. I decided to re-format because I realized that my initial draft was very poorly organized and could use some serious improvement. I included a table of contents in the edited version in order to create clarity of what that purpose of the document is. I also incorporated consistent footers throughout the document. The purpose of the footer is so that the reader of the document is aware of who created it and can be reminded without having to refer back to the cover page. Various typographic and grammatical errors have also been corrected. I edited my statement about revisions to promote a more understanding and professional proposal. The changes I made to my proposal were imperative to creating a proposal that reflects my skills and understanding of the assignment.